Saturday, November 13, 2010

No Smoking Please

Smoking kills more people than what road accidents do. In addition, the smokers are the root cause of giving their family members some kind of smoking related diseases. It has been observed that as soon as some people finish their meals, they will rush to have a puff, as if they were so impatient during the meal time. Also, I have noticed a particular thing in some of the healthcare seminars: speakers more often emphasize about what we want to eat and what we have to avoid or minimize. Do not eat meat, do not eat butter avoid oily food etc. but not a single word for stressing how injurious the smoking is. A person who is having a mixed diet in limited proportion can well maintain his health if he has no smoking habit. Also, ads for cigarettes should be banned. Simply printing statutory warning in small letters on the cigarette pack does not make any sense. Whatever economic losses occurred for eradicating this habit is not at all a loss but the reasonable domestic expenses to carve out healthy citizens. So, any laws, suggestions or initiatives which are instrumental in curbing smoking are welcome. Yoga and breathing exercises will also help one come out of this habit. But he/she must follow it sincerely. Any argument that a smoker cannot give up this habit is superficial. Determination to stop it is very important

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